
The environmental aspect of what we buy and do has recently become more prevalent in all of our lives, as we are more in touch with our environmental footprint than ever before.

We wanted our products to be hand made with a conscience, and we have. ​

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The packaging that we use to secure, style and transport our products to you are 100% recyclable. This is due to the materials they are  made from which include cardboard, brown wrapping paper, wood wool and recyclable internal foam.

Synthetic Leather 

Synthetic Leather for a long time has had a long hard reputation as being nowhere near the quality or durability of real leather. This is for good reason as imitation leather has been nowhere near good enough to be a viable contender to authentic leather.

That was until now, as the synthetic leather that we use has the same quality as real leather as well as being impossible to tell the difference to the touch. It allows us to create a durable, quality product from quality materials without having the environmental impact and the slaughter of animals for fashionable goods.

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Stainless Steel

The Core piece of our collars is 3D printed from stainless steel which gives your dog a unique look and identity. It is printed to form their name and will last their life as well as yours.

One life one core.

It is extremely strong, comfortable and highly unique to ensure that your dog is in safe hands 100% of the time.